Eve Thériault

My practice is focused on family law and child protection law.

I help clients outside of the court process by negotiating and preparing cohabitation
agreements, marriage contracts, and separation agreements. I also represent clients on
parenting issues (which includes decision-making responsibility, parenting time and
contact), child support, spousal support, property issues, as well as assisting on matters
under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

As part of my child protection practice, I advocate on behalf of parents, family members
and foster parents in child protection proceedings initiated by the Children’s Aid Society.

I also provide representation to potential adoptive parents with respect to negotiating
openness agreements and representation in court on openness applications dealing
with post-adoption contact between an adopted child and their biological family.
Regardless of the case, I always try to address legal issues with compassion and guide
my clients through the necessary process to obtain results that are both fair and cost-

I am a member of the Frontenac Law Association, the Advocates’ Society and
the Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario.

I can fully serve clients in both English and French.
Si vous voulez des services juridiques en français et vous cherchez une avocate en
droit de la famille, n’hésitez pas à nous joindre.